presents CARVED

Carved is something I had been working on little by little for about two years with my friend and frequent collaborator Holly. Initially conceived as simply a faux movie one sheet in 2012, it was after some thought and discussion that the decision was made to expand on the concept when I created the mask you see here to wear as a simple Halloween costume last year. The original plan was initially to film a short fake trailer, when I realized that unfortunately I didn't have access to the necessary equipment to do things the right way without half assing anything I scrapped that idea. The next plan was to tell a story sequentially in photos and have them posted on a separate site created especially for the project. Unfortunately due to scheduling circumstances beyond Holly's or myself's control we ran out of time to complete the necessary photography. However, that is not to say we didn't get to create some images that were cool on their own. These images you see here were created as promo images and faux one sheets in the vein of a film marketing/advertising campaign, these were a great deal of fun to work on and conceptualize and I am still totally pleased with the results. So while it is a bummer we weren't able to complete our original goal, We are proud of this set just the same and  we hope you still enjoy this look at what we were able to complete. I still feel all are strong, creepy and fun images that serve their purpose of garnering interest in the would be film and honor the spirit of Halloween, and who knows, there is always next year!

Carved 1st teaser one sheet

Carved 2nd teaser one sheet