The Shape Revisited

Through it all our favorite boogeyman/horror icon here at will always be Michael Myers. That is just a fact. It won't change and we are more than okay with that. We may not love every movie or every mask, but at his best, Michael Myers is the epitome of everything we love about horror. Through the years we have shot our fair share of Michael Myers and Halloween related material. Yet we have never fully featured it on our site. So while Halloween is still a ways away, we decided to revisit these images and showcase them for everyone to see again. It has been a while since we have shot any new Myers(himself) imagery and I am sure that will change come this Halloween. In the meantime though we have re-edited these in an appropriate orange tinted theme to give them some new life, we hope you enjoy this look back at some of our earliest and favorite Michael Myers imagery that we feel captures the sinister essence of The Shape. 

Special thanks to everyone who was involved in creating these shots, it was a blast.