4 years of TrueHorror

Can't believe its already been 4 years since the start of TrueHorror.net. When I sit back and think about it, we have definitely come a long way since then. Prior to this incarnation of the site, TrueHorror.net was simply a tumblr site that I used to showcase my horror photography, I also had fortunate enough to do some fun advertisements for Horrorhound magazine, but essentially that was it. In 2013 I had stepped away from doing any photography and found myself in a bit of a rut, not only creatively, but in life as well. A lot of times people ask why I often refer to everything regarding the site as "we" instead of an "I". Well one of the reasons is because without a number of people who have helped me over the years, TrueHorror.net would not be what it is.
Late in the summer of 2013, I was having a conversation with my buddy Ryan Monk about a project we could work on together, but we could never figure out what that could be. Eventually through our discussions we decided that while we couldn't come up with something to create together, maybe we could utilize our individual skills to help each other separate passion projects. So we set out to do just that, with Ryan starting Fleeting Youth Records, and myself going to work on rebooting TrueHorror.net. There is no way TrueHorror.net would be what it is today without Ryan's help and I cannot thank him enough for not only all he continues to do for the site but also for becoming one of my best friends in the process.

I decided to tie in the launch of the site with the release of the highly anticipated Curse of Chucky. I got together with my friend and frequent model Holly, and we planned our most ambitious shoot yet. It resulted in our most popular shoots ever, till this day. "Wanna Play?" was a Child's Play 2 inspired shoot that was a major undertaking. With limited budget, we recreated the look of the Good Guy doll factory and Holly dressed up in a good guy doll outfit. I built individual Good Guy boxes one by one, enough to stack to the ceiling. In the end it was all worth it as it proved to be a hit with everyone who saw it. It helped to re-establish the site and name and I couldn't have been happier with how it all turned out. Holly has been so helpful throughout these four years and I will always be grateful to her, for her willingness to take time out of her busy schedule to help create what are always some of our most popular shoots.

One of the other people who has been so instrumental in the growth of TrueHorror.net is another friend of mine, Joshua Pincoske. Anyone who has ever brought a print from us has Josh to thank for them and their quality. He has always gone above and beyond when I have needed something and he always make sure everything is looking it's best. Whether it was our Good Guy doll prints or our Ordinance 103178 Michael Myers prints, Josh has always come through. It has been great getting to know Josh and his family over the years. Aside from his awesome print work, Josh is just great person, friend and is absolutely part of the TrueHorror family.

When it comes to creating images, it is always great to have another point of view to take a look at what you are working on. More often than not that duty falls to my friend and frequent collaborator Matt Durston. Matt lives in Australia so he is usually awake at the same odd times I am generally working on stuff. Matt himself is an artist so it really helps to get his input on things when I am just not sure about them, or if I just need some encouragement. Matt has also lent a helping hand on quite a few projects we have worked on. The latest being the all new one sheet we created for the upcoming film Found Footage 3D. Matt also helped me perfectly put together the new Halloween III inspired logo we now use. Matt is always enthusiastic, full of ideas and he has been invaluable in helping me flesh out concepts and more. This year hopefully sees Matt contribute even more with writing for the site in the near future.

Those are just a few of the people who have helped make the site what it is today. There are countless others who have contributed so much, whether it's modeling, lending a place to shoot, or just spreading the word and supporting. Every single one of you means so much to me. Sometimes I am asked what is the thing I like most about running TrueHorror.net. My answer every single time will be the same, the people I have met throughout these 4 years. I have made lasting friendships that would not have occurred otherwise and it would take too long to name everyone but I will try at the end of this when I get time, but chances are, if you are reading this, you know who you are. I can only hope things continue the way they are going and we create more things together, have more fun and celebrate horror together for years to come.

Special Thanks to ALL of my Family. All of you have supported and helped not only with the site in some way, but helped shape me into the creative, horror and Halloween loving person that I am today.